
General information

The course participants will meet according to the following schedule

June/July             (Four weeks)
Mid February      (Two weeks)
June/July              (Five weeks)
Mid February       (Two weeks)
June/July              (Five weeks)
Mid February        (Two weeks)

The first 4-week summer module is viewed as a trial period for both students and faculty. Assessment criteria for the students continued participation are their individual and group movement, their full participation in all activities, their reliability and capacities for change.

Regular homework and research assignments will be given throughout the Training and their completion is mandatory.

Graduation Transcript

Students must participate in all classes, and complete all assignments to receive a graduation transcript. Further, students must participate in two periods of practical clinical/therapeutic practice. First is observation of therapeutic eurythmists in their work with patients as well as a short practice with a few patients under the guidance of a therapeutic eurythmist; for the second the student will work with patients under the mentorship of recognized therapeutic eurythmy practitioners and physicians during the last year of the training period. All practical experiences must be fully documented and submitted to the faculty by set deadlines.

Each block concludes with a private conversation between faculty and student to share questions and concerns, to mutually recognize progress, and to support ongoing orientation and practice for developing further therapeutic capacity.


T.E.T.N.A. Course Tuition         $18,500

Tuition for 1st year                   $6,500

Tuition for 2nd year                  $6,000

Tuition for 3rd year                   $6,000

Tuition covers board and lodging for the duration of each of the modules/courses. Payment is due at the beginning of each summer block. Students must notify the training one month ahead of a coming module if they are not able to return; otherwise tuition will not be refunded.

Requirements for Graduation

  • Completed course work and documented practical experiences.
  • Research paper and oral presentation with demonstration takes place during final week of course work (in the February of the third and last block)
  • Fulfillment of all tuition obligations.
  • Faculty approval of level of competence.

If there are valid concerns for the health of the student and their participation in the program and in the community, the faculty reserves the right to require any student to discontinue participation at any time during the three-year period of training.

Graduation & Diploma

Upon the successful completion of all of the above and the recommendation of the faculty, the student will receive a diploma in Therapeutic Eurythmy, internationally recognized and endorsed by the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland

  • A new course is planned to begin in June 2023. This course will graduate in Feb. 2026.

Venue & Accommodation

The Camphill Village, Copake Community is host to the Therapeutic Eurythmy Training in North America. The village provides material, educational and spiritual support for the training of Therapeutic Eurythmists. Students live in the Village itself, joining in the life of the households, work places, and festivals; and have the opportunity to engage in the life of the Village while they are present. The Village asks students to make a serious commitment to this exchange of support and interest. Camphill life is in itself a social therapeutic schooling. Therapeutic Eurythmy training students receive credit hours for all their learning experiences and practice. These include participating in the living activities of the house; gardening in the vegetable, seed and healing herb gardens; in addition to participating in community eurythmy classes and eurythmy presentations; as well as in conversation and recreation. It is this full community immersion that helps make TETNA unique in its training experience.

Application Process

Therapeutic Eurythmy Training in North America
c/o Glenda Monasch
5668 Gunbarrel Rd., Longmont, CO 80503 USA

For further questions please contact Glenda below.

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